Abstract: The world is producing more statistical information than ever before and many people feel over whelmed by it. It is important to know what information we should pay attention to, and what to do with these and how to use them.Since political, economic and other social conditions are rapidly changing, a researcher has to be equipped well to deal with them and use the appropriate tools with caution. This requires that the researcher has enough exposure and familiarity with different tools and techniques as the onus of selecting and implementing the right one rests with the researcher. In order to fulfil this responsibility, the researcher has to pay attention to every small details of the study, right from data collection, measurement of data, using the right tool for different types of data and making the correct inferences from the data using the correct and valid techniques of analysis. A very important aspect in this is that the researcher should become conversant with the available tools and the situations in which they can be used.


Keywords: Statistical tools, data, suitability of tools, case studies