Abstract: Being transgender customarily means someone who has transitioned from the typical gender that person has been associated with because of the incongruous body type they were born with, with respect to the gender that they feel they belong to. Society does not only consist of the majority of the sections of people that are cisgender citizens of the society but minorities just as well, are a necessary part of society. Many provisions are being brought to bring them to the mainstream society by all four estates of democratic India, yet on the ground level, the people who identify themselves outside of the binary frame of gender are still not included without any hesitation or second thoughts. To prepare the people who are what the majority of society comprises of and to build an inclusive approach towards transgender people, it would certainly take a large amount of effort, but to know where do common people lie on a continuum of sensitivity towards the third gender is the real question. The current study represents how the members of the typical North-Indian society, have sensitivity to understanding the people who belong to the most recently legally recognized gender.

Keywords: Transgender, Gender Binary, Gender identity, Sensitivity

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9489

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