Abstract: In recent times, role of women in all industries have increased. Simultaneously, crime against women is also increasing day by day and this is the high time to provide safety for all working women. This paper focuses on women tracking system for all working women. There is no powerful existing system to prevent the crime rates against women. This system gives information about a woman or a victim who has low assurance about their safety to their respective family and the place where they work, which have to be more concerned about their women workers.
This system includes the victim module and two receiver modules for getting information about the missed women. This arrangement includes Micro-controller, Global Positioning System (GPS), and Global Arrangement for Mobile communication (GSM), and the receiver module that includes a Android mobile mechanism of the victim’s relations and a monitoring database in the manipulation room of the corresponding association or workplace.

Key words: Micro-controller, Communication

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9503

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