Abstract: Infertility is known to cause an impact on the mental health of the infertile couple, causing anxiety, depression, social isolation and sexual dysfunction. The stigma associated with male and female infertility in traditional societal interactions cause a high level of psychosocial distress with a direct impact on the couple’s marital and sexual relations Infertile couples have high negative feelings, low self esteem, poor social support, less freedom and less number of opportunities as compared to normal couples. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 60 to 80 million couples worldwide currently suffer from infertility. Infertility varies across regions of the world and is estimated to affect 8 to 12 per cent of couples worldwide, underlying these numbers exists a core group of couples, estimated to be 3 to 5 per cent, who are infertile due to unknown or unpreventable conditions. A prevalence of infertility above this level suggests preventable or treatable causes. Research methodology: Non experimental exploratory descriptive research design was used to conduct the study. The sample size was 40 couples visiting the infertility department. The simple Random sampling technique was used to select the samples. The Knowledge was assessed using Self structured knowledge questionnaire and Risk factors were assessed using checklist. Results and Findings: In this study the finding were 30% of samples have inadequate knowledge regarding infertility .57.5% of samples have moderate knowledge regarding infertility.12.5% of infertile couples have adequate knowledge regarding infertility. In Risk factors for infertility 10 percent of husband had diabetes, 15 percent of wife had anemia, 22 percent had hypertension,47 percent husband had tobacco addiction.15 percent wife had menstrual abnormalities, 48 percent of wife had gynecological problems.55 percent of Males had genitourinary problems.63 percent of females had stress related to treatment and 50 percent of Males had stress related to treatment.10 percent of Male had undergone surgery previously and 25 percent of Female had surgery. Frequency and percentage was used to analyze knowledge and risk factors related to infertility, chi-square test was used to find association of risk factors and demographic variables. Conclusion: Most of the couples had Inadequate to moderate knowledge regarding infertility and the associated risk factors are also moderate to severe so awareness and proper treatment regarding infertility has to be implemented.

Keywords: Knowledge, Risk factors, Infertility, Couples.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9702

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