Abstract: In this digital era, many good mornings are hard to imagine without a cup of coffee, as it is one of the most popular beverages preferred by people globally. This study aims to determine the consumption pattern and attitude toward the intake of coffee among working women. Background information, data regarding the preference, attitude, reasons for their preference, and frequency of coffee consumption among working females were collected using the google questionnaire and around 225 females submitted the forms completely. Incomplete forms and respondents not preferred coffee were excluded from the study. Among the coffee brands, the respondents most often chose Nescafe sunrise (33%), Bru instant (20%), Levista (19%), Narasus (17%), and Kannan Jubilee (8%). Other brands were mentioned by around 3% of the respondents. The choice of the type of coffee correlated with age, education, and workplace (p < 0.05). The majority of respondents (58%) consumed coffee daily either twice or thrice, 26% consumed daily once, nine percent consumed three or four times a week and seven percent consumed coffee once a week. The frequency of coffee consumption was associated with age (p

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9747

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