Abstract: This review paper examines the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping for environmental protection in Rajasthan, India. GIS mapping technology integrates different environmental datasets, enabling the identification of environmental risks and implementation of strategies for sustainable development. The literature review section highlights various environmental protection applications of GIS mapping, such as land-use planning, natural resource management, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Several case studies from different districts of Rajasthan demonstrate the effectiveness of GIS mapping in environmental protection. These case studies include identification of areas with high levels of air pollution due to thermal power plants, identification of potential sites for rainwater harvesting, support for the conservation of wildlife habitats, groundwater mapping, and support for the development of solar energy. The paper identifies the challenges of GIS mapping, such as data availability and accuracy, which are common issues in environmental mapping. The study concludes that GIS mapping is an effective tool for environmental protection in Rajasthan, providing spatially explicit information that can support decision-making related to sustainable development. This review paper provides valuable insights into the use of GIS technology for researchers and practitioners in the field of environmental protection.

Keyword: GIS Mapping, Environment protection, Environmental Impact Assessment

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.105116

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