Abstract:  This study aimed to develop a curing agent alternative to the synthetic curing agent. Alagaw leaves “Premna odorata blanco” has its own property to preserve. Experimental-development method of research using completely randomized design (CRD) and the nine point Hedonic Scale were used in evaluating the product. The sensory qualities of the cured meat applied with alagaw curing agent were evaluated by ten (10) semi-trained panelists in three (3) trials during product formulation, and one hundred (100) consumers to evaluate the acceptability. Analysis and interpretation of data were the mean and the analysis of variant (ANOVA) used as statistical tools set at 0.01 alpha level.

The alagaw curing agent “Premna odorata blanco” has a pH of 5 which is acidic in nature in all different oil solvents, and maceration extractions used (olive oil, sunflower oil, and palm oil)with 50% concentration (% = w/v).

The sensory qualities of cured meat with alagaw leaves extraction in sunflower oil appearance found “extremely appealing”, while in palm oil “very much pleasant” in the aroma. In terms of taste, olive oil was “extremely delectable” and in texture, olive oil was found to be “very much tender”. Regardless of the oil used, Treatment B of 10ml proportion was preferred by the semi-trained panelist which was used for consumer testing. The alagaw in olive oil extraction was liked extremely by the consumers in sensory qualities except in texture.

The shelf-life of the cured meat with macerated Alagaw leaves "Premna odorata blanco" as a curing agent when exposed to freezing temperatures (32°F or 0°C) sustained its sensory qualities. The cured meat was observed in the shelf-life and it lasted for 60 days maintaining good sensory qualities without negative changes.

There was a significant difference in sensory qualities of alagaw curing agent in terms of appearance and taste by the semi-trained panelist. However, in terms of aroma and texture, there were no significant differences.

The shelf-life of cured meat with Alagaw leaves "Premna odorata blanco" as the curing Agent when exposed to freezing temperature. The cured meat lasted for eight (8) weeks and four (4) days or sixty (60) days. Observation showed that cured meat at room temperature had no molds developed until 15 days, but in the chilling temperature, sliminess and foul odor appeared, with discoloration on the twenty-seventh day, and mold development on the thirtieth day.

The sample meat with alagaw curing agent submitted for E.coli microbial analysis to Negros Prawn Producers Cooperative Analytical for Diagnostic laboratory (NPPC) was within the acceptability level. Likewise, the sample of 200g meat was tested for fat percentage (Soxhlet Extraction method) of 23.90; fiber percentage (lepper modification method) of 1.74; and protein percentage (kjeldahl method) of about 14.71 as per Negros Prawn Producers Cooperative Analytical and Diagnosis Laboratory (NPPC).

Keywords: Maceration, Curing Agent, Premna odorata blanco

Works Cited:

Juvy I. Dordas" Maceration of Alagaw Leaves (Premna odorata blanco) As Curing Agent", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 353-366, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10750

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10750

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