Abstract: Information security awareness serves an important part in safeguarding organizations and individuals against a multitude of cyber threats and data breaches. Despite the fact that many attempts have  made to improve information security awareness programs, many still struggle to effectively engage users and instill a strong security-oriented mindset. This study proposes an interpretive framework for information security awareness that aims to enhance the effectiveness and impact of awareness initiatives.When it comes to security references, they are categorized based on various factors such as data protection, data transfer, accessibility, compatibility, and compliance with environmental regulations. These categorizations help users establish their own references with clear and understandable guidelines. Multiple types of project references can be created, and various portal references can be defined to cater to different requirements. The system also allows for the establishment of different user types, ensuring that technical aspects are well-defined and easily managed. Additionally, the system supports all types of control systems, and reports in depth are given for  better insights.The portal definitions are properly structured and segmented, allowing organizations to identify and implement their own security preferences and working preferences while utilizing the system on the service.

Keywords: Safeguarding, Cyber threats, Data breaches, Awareness programs.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10793

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