Abstract: Application called "Evergreen" makes it possible for farmers to use the best methods for organic farming. Crop rotation, green manure, compost, and biological control are all covered in a piece on Evergreen that offers techniques and facts. The application analyzes clickstream information to assess the enterprise's performance as a channel-to-market. It is interested in the pages that customers spend the most time on, the things they add to or remove from their shopping carts, and the products they buy. People use a specific pattern to browse through applications based on their interests, so they can view the internet pages that speak to them. The visitor's path is known as their clickstream. The "Evergreen" application's primary goal is to make it simple for farmers to get information about various plant types, growing suggestions, purchasing plants, and current events using mobile platforms. When consumers shop, they prefer to do so online since they can easily compare prices between different retailers.
It is important to have a solid understanding of users' purchasing and browsing habits on e-commerce applications so that online retailers can make their system more user-friendly and beneficial as the number of websites grows. One such method is the prediction of user purchase of a specific product. Analyzing users' surfing habits, which largely reveal their interests, is one of the traditional methods of collecting user data. clickstream data that show the browsing routes, frequency of visits, and amount of time spent per category based on the clickstream data counting the number of users online, analyzing user buying behavior to predict the likelihood of a purchase as well as visualize the overall user pattern. The click stream data is analyzed to identify different paths taken by the visitors and the sequence of pages that lead to payment. According to this analysis, the application includes overall organization transaction visualization, specific category sales visualization (history), SMS -based user interaction, GPS-based user interaction using users' order history, click-based user interaction, category-based sales data visualization, and category-based user interaction using Google Analytics. To maximize the revenue for the website, particular, visualization techniques for the ratio of live users to applications are advised.
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.107102