Abstract: Social media sites are used by millions of individuals all around the world. Users' interactions with social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have a significant impact on their daily lives, with occasionally negative effects.The majority of social media platforms have become a platform for fraudsters to transmit a significant number of worthless and dangerous stuff. For example, Twitter has become widely accepted all platforms time, allowing an excessive amount of spam. Unwanted tweets are sent to customers in an attempt to market services, which not only harms genuine users but also disrupts resource utilisation. Furthermore, the capability for distributing misleading information offered to customers under false pretences has expanded, allowing harmful content to propagate. Identifying spammers and recognising a phoney Twitter accounts have lately been a major topic of research in modern online social networks (OSNs). In this paper, we look at methods for detecting spammers. A taxonomy for recognising Twitter spam approaches is also provided, which categorises the tactics based on their ability to detect: (i) bogus material, (ii) spam based on URL, (iii) spam in hot subjects, and (iv) phoney users.
Keywords: Social media, Spammers, OSN, Twitter, Fraud.
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.107104