Abstract: The development of strategies in education is the main backbone of teaching and learning process between students and teachers to measure the desired task. The primary objective of this descriptive-correlational study was to develop a welding tool storage organizer on wheels and determined its level of acceptability and the usability of its different features. The device was evaluated by the 30 teachers and 30 welders/ shop owners. The level of competency-based performance of the 30 students who used the developed welding tool storage organizer was also determined for School Year 2022-2023. Moreover, the study determined if there were significant relationships among the level of acceptability and usability of the different features of the developed welding storage organizer as evaluated by teachers and welders/shop owners and the level of competency-based performance of the students using the developed welding tool storage organizer. The study was conducted at selected schools in the Division of Capiz, Division of Roxas City, and Capiz State University where the respondents. The shop owners who evaluated the acceptability and usability of the developed welding tool storage organizer on wheels were also from the selected welding shop in the province of Capiz. For the students’ respondents, measuring their competency-based performance, the study was conducted at Sapian National High School, School Division of Capiz. The research instrument used by the researcher was a survey questionnaire/evaluation sheet to determine the acceptability and usability of the product. The statistical tools utilized in this study were the percentage, mean and Pearson product –moment correlation for the inferential question which was set at .05 alpha level. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Software. The findings of the study revealed that developed welding tool storage organizer on wheels was “very acceptable” as evaluated by the teachers and welding shop owners. The device as also “very usable” as evaluated by the teachers and welding shop owners. The students who used the developed welding tool storage organizer were “very competent” in their competency-based performance. Finally, there were no significant relationship among the acceptability and usability of the developed welding tool storage organizer and the level of competency-based performance of the students.
Works Cited:
GEORGE B. GALLENA, MAIED " ACCEPTABILITY AND USABILITY OF THE DEVELOPED WELDING TOOL STORAGE ORGANIZER ON WHEELS AND STUDENTS’ COMPETENCY-BASED PERFORMANCE", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 663-670, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.107110
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.107110