Abstract: Artificial Intelligence has far-reaching ethical and societal ramifications that touch many aspects of society. The power of AI to make decisions on its own raises ethical concerns that could affect justice and accountability. As AI systems gather and examine enormous volumes of personal data, privacy concerns surface. These concerns center on issues related to data security, monitoring, and consent. Furthermore, biases present in training data may be reinforced by AI algorithms, producing unfair results in the hiring, lending, and law enforcement sectors. AI poses a social danger to job displacement as automation supplants human labor in various areas, hence requiring economic restructuring and retraining. The gap between those who profit from technology developments and those left behind gets wider as a result of the unequal distribution of AI benefits, which exacerbates already-existing socioeconomic imbalances. Furthermore, the transparency required is hampered by the opaqueness of AI decision-making processes. The gap between those who profit from technology developments and those left behind gets wider as a result of the unequal distribution of AI benefits, which exacerbates already-existing socioeconomic imbalances. Furthermore, the lack of transparency in AI decision-making processes undermines confidence in vital applications like criminal justice and healthcare. This will guarantee that AI is developed and used ethically, enhancing social well-being without compromising core values and rights. Promoting the ethical use of AI while minimizing its negative societal effects requires public dialogue and interdisciplinary cooperation.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Ethics, Technological Innovation, Dilemmas , algorithmic , Internet of Things, social implications, Machines, Computational Linguistics, Robots.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11644

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