Abstract: Plagiarism is defined as to take or theft some work and present it has one’s own work. This plagiarism checker system is used to analyze the plagiarism data. Plagiarism affects the education quality of the students and thereby reduces the economic status of the country. Plagiarism is done by paraphrased works and the similarities between keywords and verbatim overlaps, change of sentences from one form to other form, which could be identified using Word Net etc. This plagiarism detector measures the similar text that matches and detects plagiarism. Internet has changed the student’s life and also has changed their learning style. It allows the students to get deeper in the approach towards learning and making their task easier. Many methods are employed in detecting plagiarism. Usually plagiarism detection is done using text mining method. In this plagiarism checker software, user can register with their basic registration details and create a valid login id and password. By using login id and password, students can login into their personal accounts. After that students can upload assignment file, which will further divide into content and reference link. This web application will process the content, visit each reference link, and scan the content of that webpage to match the original content. Also, students can view the history of their previous documents.

Keywords: Plagiarism, Assignment, Werkzeug, Jinja,Flask.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11649

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