Abstract: This paper embarks upon an exhaustive exploration of the intricate historical narrative and progressive evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), meticulously tracing its lineage from nascent conceptual constructs to its myriad manifestations in the contemporary contexts. Through a rigorous analysis od critical milestones, seminal achievements and the contributions of emblematic pioneers, the document elucidates the defining moments that have sculpted the trajectory of AI. The study traverses the conceptual landscape from the foundational epochs of theoretical paradigms and symbolic computation strategies to the realms of machine learning, deep learning and neural architectures. These paradigmatic shifts have engendered profound transformations in a plethora of fields, including but not limited to robotics, natural language processing, computer vision, healthcare, and autonomous systems.
By juxtaposing historical perspectives with modern advancements, this scholarly endeavour aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the vector AI development, its societal implications and the perpetual pursuit of machines endowed with intelligence.

Keywords: Pioneer, paradigm , autonomous , Natural Language Processing and epoch.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11755

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