Abstract: Water pollution is a global issue, endangering health, ecosystems, and sustainability. Traditional methods of water quality assessment are slow and labor-intensive, delaying contamination detection and increasing the risk of waterborne diseases. This paper presents a low-cost, efficient system for real-time monitoring of key water quality parameters, such as pH, turbidity, temperature, TDS, and flow rate. The system uses sensors integrated with an Arduino microcontroller for continuous data collection, displaying real-time results on a TFT screen. Alerts are triggered when parameters exceed set thresholds, enabling timely intervention. Advanced calibration algorithms ensure accurate readings, while low power consumption supports long-term deployment in remote areas. The system is designed for easy use by both technical and non-technical users, providing reliable, cost-effective monitoring for improved decision-making in various environments.

Keywords: Water monitoring, Microcontroller, Turbidity sensor, PH sensor, Cloud

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/ IARJSET.2024.111211

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