Abstract: The project titled " Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm with Mobile Rover Integration" aims to develop an innovative robotic system that combines gesture recognition, mobility, and automation. The system is designed to operate using hand gestures detected through sensors embedded in a glove, enabling precise and intuitive control of the robotic arm. Mounted on a rover, this robotic arm is capable of performing complex operations such as object handling, picking, and dropping with high accuracy. The mobility of the rover further extends the arm's functionality, making it adaptable for various environments and applications.

The hardware system includes an Arduino Nano, ESP32, MPU6050 accelerometer, flex sensors, PCA9685 servo driver, MG966R servo motors, DC motors, and a L298N motor driver. Communication between components is established via Bluetooth HC-05, while the system is powered by a dual voltage setup (5V and 12V). The integration of these components ensures precise movement of the robotic arm and seamless mobility of the rover. A mobile application is used for additional control, making the system user-friendly and versatile.

The methodology involves input sensing at the transmitting end, where hand gestures are captured and processed using sensors and an Arduino. The processed data is wirelessly transmitted to the receiving end using Bluetooth modules. The ESP32 at the receiving end controls the arm's servo motors and the rover's mobility system, enabling synchronized operation of the arm and rover. This system has a wide range of applications, including military (e.g., surveillance, bomb defusal), healthcare (e.g., surgical assistance), industrial automation (e.g., material handling, fabrication), agriculture ,and power plants By leveraging advanced sensor technology, robotics, and wireless communication, the project addresses challenges in environments where precision, flexibility, and remote operation are critical.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/ IARJSET.2024.111226

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