Abstract: The development of tall buildings have been rapidly increasing worldwide because of rapid growth of the urban population, high cost of land and the need to preserve important agricultural production. It is inevitable to create high-rise structure and on high-rise structure lateral forces due to wind or seismic loading is governing criteria. It is found that the design of tall buildings is governed by lateral loads. In the tubular system, closely spaced periphery columns create very high moment of inertia compared to the simple frame system. The tube is formed by closely spaced peripheral columns. This effect provides stiff moment of resistance against lateral loads. For profound effect, the created group of tubes is known as a bundled tube system. For the study purpose in this article 64, 80, 96 stories building structure have been studied for peak displacement, story drift, base moment, story shear and structural system weight. The comparative study shows that the overall weight of bundled tube system is very low, hence it is economical. The peak displacement response of building is within the permissible limit of IS: 800-2007. Moreover, shear-leg effect seems to be disappeared.
Keywords: Bundled Tube System, Bracing System, Dynamic analysis, Story Displacement, Story Drift, ETABS, Tube-in tube Structure.