Abstract: The present investigation deals with the study of class Cyanophyceae from Khadakpurna reservoir of Godavari basin near Deulgaon Raja in Buldana district, Maharashtra, India. In all 21 species of Cyanophyceae belonging to  9 genera viz. Chroococcus (4 species), Aphanocapsa (2 species), Spirulina (1 species), Oscillatoria (5 species), Lyngbya (2 species), Anabaena (4 species), Scytonema (1 species), Myxosarcina (1 species) and Aphanothece (1 species) were recorded.

Keywords: Cyanophyceae; Morphology; Khadakpurna Reservoir

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2020.7117

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