Abstract: Defense robot plays a vital role in saving human loses in the military base. Thus, it will gain more importance in the upcoming era. The robot basically consists of a vehicle mounted with two cameras, one camera is used for capturing the targets image and another one is used for monitoring them. Defense robot which are monitored, operated and controlled by military personnel, who need not be present in the terrain of activity, is a platform for multiple payloads such as mine detection and clearance, supply delivery systems. The salient feature of this defense bot is metal detector i.e. it is used to detect the buried mines which are been undiscovered as result of wars.  Defense bot is mounted with a special type of gun called as laser gun. Defense bot is capable of blending into enemy territory, owing to credibility of the robot’s compactness. Wi-Fi module is used to handle the robot. The movement of the robot is controlled via pc or laptop. Since human lives are more valuable this bot can be used as the substitution for soldiers in the war areas.  Even Places where there can be threats from intruders or terrorists these robots can be used.

Keywords: Defense Robot, Laser Gun, Military Base, Soldiers, Mines, Borders, War areas.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2020.7422

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