Abstract: Increased sediment and nutrient loading in rivers adversely affect the river quality.  Water quality and river flows are correlated and this correlation varies spatially as well as temporally.  Turbidity is an optical property of a liquid that causes light rays to scatter and absorb rather than transmit in straight lines through the sample.  Turbid water results from the presence of suspended and dissolved matter such as clay, plankton, other microscopic organisms, organic acids and dyes. Although water is important to life, it is one of the most poorly managed resources in the world. The quality of water resources in any ecosystem provides significant information about the available resources for supporting life in the ecosystem. Therefore, the knowledge of the status of water bodies in terms of turbidity and suspended solids is quite essential for proper management of water environments. This study assessed the quality of water in Ose River in relations to streamflow, suspended solids and turbidity, because of its significance as the primary drinking water source for Owo town and its environs. Data and samples were collected over period of four months spanning through two seasons i.e. dry and wet seasons. These were analysed and results showed fluctuation of turbidity and TSS under changing flow conditions.

Keywords: Water quality, Influence, Turbidity, Velocity, Suspended Solids.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2020.71004

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