ABSTRACT: The present investigations deal with to evaluate seasonal changes in protein content of muscle tissue of healthy, naturally infected and artificially Fungal Infected Channa punctatus and Claraus batrachus during August 2011- March 2013. Seasonal variation in protein content of muscle tissues of fishes has been analyzed during the study period. The highest muscle protein content was recorded in summer and the lowest in winter season. The muscle protein content was high from March to July and low during September to February. It is further observed that as fungal infection increased protein content decreased. The results indicate that the protein content of the fish depends on season but also to a great extent in reaction to food and reproductive cycle. The present study is the first to describe the seasonal variation in the protein content of muscle of freshwater fishes of Wadali Lake, from Amravati.

Keywords: Freshwater fishes, muscle protein content, seasonal variations.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8509

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