Abstract: Because of their outstanding wear resistance and corrosion resistance, aluminium alloy-based metal matrix composites (AMMC) are widely employed in the automotive, aircraft, architecture, and marine industries. Stir casting was discovered to be a cost-effective way of fabricating AMMC.In this study, aluminium alloy 5052 was reinforced with different percentages of SiC particles (1, 2, and 3 wt percent). The manufacture and examination of AA5052/SiC AMMC, which was fabricated utilising the stir casting procedure, are the goals of this research project. Optical microscopy was used to investigate the microstructures of AMMC. SiC particles were found to purify the grains and were evenly dispersed in the aluminium matrix. The aluminium matrix was adequately bound to the SiC particles.The constructed samples are machined to the desired dimensions before being tested under controlled conditions. AMMC's hardness and wear resistance were increased by the addition of SiC particles.

Keywords: AMMC, Stir casting, AA5052, SiC, Hardness, Wear Resistance.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8597

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