Abstract: - Soil is the most diverse, nutrient rich loose surface material which covers most of our land. Soil contains both the organic and inorganic matter. The presence of soil is necessary to prevent direct leaching of the inorganic pollutants in the groundwater. Color, texture, structure, porosity, density, consistency, temperature, air are the physical properties of soil. Suitability of soil for agriculture is determined by the physical properties. There are different properties for different soil. Soil is the source of the water and provide mechanical stability to the plants. There are various types of soil in the environment for example – loamy soil, sandy soil, chalk, peat, silt, clay soil. Soil analysis refers to a set of various chemical processes which help us determine the available plant nutrients which are either in micronutrient or macronutrient form. In this study, various physiochemical parameters (texture, color, pH, salinity level, electrical conductivity, density, water holding capacity) were monitored. Along with chemical, microbial analysis was also carried out in order to understand the microbial diversity in the soil. After carrying our this analysis, we understood that the properties of soil keeps on changing depending on various anthropological activities carried out nearby. The range in which values lie keeps on fluctuating, sometimes under range, sometimes totally beyond it. Through such studies, we endeavor to highlight the potential for hazardous impact that nature might face due to excessive anthropological activity.

Keywords : Soil parameters, anthropological activity, physiochemical parameters

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8930

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