Abstract: Mobile banking is an application of mobile accessing which offers the customers with the support required to be able to bank anywhere ,anytime using a mobile handheld gadget and a mobile facility such as short message service(SMS).Mobile banking provides services like balance inquiry ,credit transfer and sharing other informations.Informations is send through the mobile phone. Mobile banking is safe and secure because banking transactions are encrypted and password-protected.
The concept of customer satisfaction has become more important. Banks are promoting mobile banking system to improve their operations and to reduce cost during the pandemic period. There for ,there is a need to understand the overall satisfaction of customers towards mobile banking. This issue is important because the answer holds the clue that will help the banking industry to formulate their marketing strategies to promote new dimension in customer satisfaction of mobile banking system in the future. So this research is designed to examine the overall satisfaction of customers towards mobile banking during Covid -19.

Keywords: Mobile Banking ,Covid-19 ,customer attitude ,customer satisfaction

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8950

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