Abstract: This research paper deals with the secondary school teachers, and open educational resources in secondary school educational context. In light of analysis and recommendation of the report of common wealth of learning, UNESCO 2011 described the concept of OER digitized material offered freely and openly for educators, students and self learners to use and develop, use and distribute content and implementation resources such as open license. The paper tries to throw light on the attitude of secondary school teachers towards open educational resources. It also tries to analyze OER effectiveness in making teacher reflective practitioners especially in the light of various economic and educational reforms undertaken. OER can play a very important role in making good quality instructional material available to all at minimal cost. This paper discusses in detail about the attitude of secondary school teachers towards OER, in relation to their awareness, gender and their streams.

Keywords: Open Educational Resources; OER; common wealth of learning; COL; open license; secondary school teachers

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8965

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