Abstract: Enzyme are some organic compounds including enzymes produced by the simple fermentation of fresh vegetable wastes, fruit wastes with addition of jiggery and water by using the selective microorganisms like Yeast and Bacteria. This fermentation creates natural chains of proteins, mineral salts, organic acids, and enzymes which has the capacity to breakdown, change, create and catalyse – functions that make it a wonderful cleaning aid in household as well as in industrial and medical applications. The study for the production and analysis of enzyme by using yeast and bacterial cultures in different fruit and vegetable wastes. These wastes are taken for fermentation. During fermentation, the enzyme production like cellulase, amylase and protease were tested for it activity in fermented broth at different period of fermentation and found with moderate level of activity. The pH values and the microbial population including bacteria and yeast and mold also were also analyzed in the fermented broth at different intervals period.

Keywords: Enzymes; fermentation, microorganism, analysis.

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