Abstract: This essay aims to examine the performance, benefits, and drawbacks of every generation of mobile wireless technologies that are now in use. The article discusses the creation and growth of several mobile wireless technology generations, as well as their relevance and benefits over one another. Mobile wireless networks have seen up to five scientific revolutions and progress in the last several decades, from 1G to 4G. The focus of current studies in the field of mobile wireless technology is on the advanced deployment of 4G and 5G technologies. The term "5G" has yet to be in use on a formal basis. The three main areas of research in 5G are the Worldwide Wireless Internet (WWW), Dynamic Ad-hoc Wireless Networks (DAWN), and the Real Wireless World. In this research, we propose a novel network design for the next mobile phone network, 5G. The mobile device in the suggested design has the capability of switching the Radio Accessing Technology (RAT) following specific user needs.

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PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.107133

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