Abstract: The experiment conducted at Mahamaya College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Ambedkarnagar (U.P.). The pump tested for analysis performance is ELGIMACE model no. LLO3022 single acting reciprocating pump equipped with 2HP three phase induction electric motor with 1440rpm. A hose measuring of water source of 4.12x3.25x1.23. G.I.20 mm size, suction pipe was used. The delivery pipe was high density pliable reinforced rubber pipe to withstand abundant pressure (up to 25kg/cm2.). Stop watch was measuring discharge of 1/100sec. of least count. For three different speeds of 242 rpm, 285 rpm and 344 rpm with five dissimilar pressures are 1.5 kg/ cm2, 5.7 kg/cm2,10.3kg/cm2, 15kg/cm2 and 24kg/cm, pump was tested. Track record of all pipe pressure used for this testing was measured by a pressure gauge having adequacy 0-35kg/cm. In motor shaft a V(twin) belt the electric connection was energized and a pulley with minimum diameter 6.25cm was fitted. The outcomes based on the exploratory observation showed that the efficiency rises when pressure is rises. At speed of 344 rpm the efficiency is detected 90% and at dupe speed the volumetric efficiency is 77% for least pressure 1.5kg/cm and volumetric efficiency is 95% for maximum pressure 24 kg/cm2. The discharge increases as pressure goes up and it is showed by the average discharge and pressure, which is almost linear. The relationship sequence is mostly same for all above circumstances; this stated that discharge is mutual to the pressure for a reciprocating pump.
Index Terms: Discharge, Efficiency, Volumetric efficiency, Pressure, rpm, Static head, Reciprocal and Pressure head.