Abstract: Burnout is a topic which is frequently being used among the employees in the present generation. A term which was unheard earlier has now become a part and parcel of the workforce. People now and then keep on saying I feel burnt out. Due to the increasing number of cases of burnout, the research paper is related to finding the level of burnout in the respondents. As we now have blended mode of education, this is a comparative study on the level of burnout with reference to online and offline classes among the teaching fraternity.
For this study the researcher has made use of the questionnaire developed by Christina Maslach on burnout. This questionnaire consists of 15 questions where the respondents have to mark their preferences based on the five alternatives. The sample consists of 50 educationalists from various institutes. The Hypothesis framed by the researcher is that the level of burnout will be greater during online classes when compared to offline classes.
Keywords: 1Burnout,2 Blended mode, 3 Online and 4 Offline classes.