Abstract: Oral health is a part of general health. Oral health also influences the quality of life. Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the common diseases in populations. These diseases are highly irreversible, once occur and also have complex etiology. Although primary preventive techniques exist to total protection. A Descriptive study to access the awareness regarding oral hygiene and prevalence of oral problems among school children at selected school, Mohali, Punjab. Assess the awareness regarding oral hygiene, describe prevalence of oral problems, determine the association between awareness regarding oral hygiene and prevalence of oral problems, find out the association between awareness and prevalence with selected sociodemographic variable. Qualitative approach and descriptive research design is adopted in this study. The study was conducted at BSF, Arya Senior Secondary School, Sohana, Mohali (Punjab). Target population was school children. Study was conducted on 150 school children; sampling technique adapted to this study is purposive sampling technique. Structured questioner and check list were prepared. Tools were validated by various concerned experts before application. The result was interpreted as follows. According to sociodemographic variable the age of 12 years 20% (30) 13 years 44 % (66) 14 years 36% (54), class 7th 20% (30), 8th class 44% (66) 9th 36% (54) sex of the child male 100% female 0%, education of father, illiterate 0%, middle 8% (12), Matric 41% (62), Senior Secondary 41% (62) graduate and above 9% (14). In the present study 150 students participated. The findings of the study revealed that majority of school children show moderate level of awareness about oral hygiene and prevalence of oral problems.
Keywords: Assess, Awareness, Prevalence, Dental Problems, Oral Hygiene.