Abstract: Rice varietal identification plays a crucial role in agricultural research, food safety, and quality control. In recent years, deep learning techniques, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have emerged as powerful tools for image classification tasks, including the identification of different rice varieties. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to leveraging CNNs for accurate rice varietal identification. The methodology begins with data collection and preparation, involving the assembly of a diverse dataset encompassing various rice varieties under different lighting conditions and backgrounds. Supervised learning is employed, with images labelled according to their corresponding rice variety. Preprocessing techniques such as normalization and augmentation are applied to enhance dataset robustness. Next, a suitable CNN architecture is designed, drawing upon established models like sequential, or developing custom architectures tailored to the task. Techniques such as batch normalization, dropout, and appropriate activation functions are incorporated to enhance model generalization and prevent over fitting. The model is then trained on the prepared dataset, with careful consideration given to training-validation- test set splits and hyper-parameter tuning. Various optimization algorithms such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and Adam are explored to optimize model parameters while preventing over fitting through regularization techniques.
Keywords: CNN, Normalization, Supervised Learning, SGD