Abstract: The study was made in order to establish correlation between rainfall and ground water fluctuation of Ambedkar Nagar District in Uttar Pradesh through regression analysis. To study the trend in ground water level in eastern U.P. Ambedkar Nagar a model was fitted known as regression model with data for every year from 2008-2017 .The developed model equation is Y’ = −3.59 x 10−3X + 13.767810 .The coefficient of correlation between water table and rainfall was observed as − 0.5735. The result of study had been evaluated through r2, RMSE and EC were found to be -0.574, 1.23 & 96.6% respectively. The above empirical equation may be useful in prediction of water table depth from rainfall for base line for boring of tube well for timely irrigation of crop.
Index Terms: Rainfall, Regression Analysis, Correlation, Groundwater, Fluctuation.