Abstract: Exoskeleton structures have gained popularity in recent years due to their aesthetic appeal and structural efficiency. They offer excellent seismic performance, particularly in reducing inter-story drift and providing greater lateral stiffness. This study uses ETABS-2020 to analyze the structures under various loading conditions, including static earthquake forces, dynamic earthquake forces (per IS: 1893 – (part-1) 2016 guidelines), and wind dynamic forces (per IS-875 (part-3)-2015). The structures are designed based on IS: 800-2007, and parameters such as story displacement and story drift are observed. The study compares different types of lateral load resisting systems to determine the most effective and economical system for resisting lateral loads such as wind and seismic loads. The lateral load resisting systems under investigation include diagrid, belt truss systems for 20, 30, 40, and 50 story structures with plan dimensions of 50m X 50m. Additionally, the study analyzes various percentages of plan dimension in the diagrid structure.
Keywords: Diagrid Structural System, High rise buildings, Structural design.