Abstract: Health sector is considered to be the major need of a place so that everyone in that place can be disease free. Assam belongs to the seven-sister state of India where people suffers from health problems due to malnutrition, pollution, water contamination and unhygienic conditions. The people of that state have less awareness among the health problems and their access to the hospitals. Recent days the Central Government allotted many welfare schemes for the state and for the development of health care infrastructure. Primary health centers are established even in rural areas for general physical care. Child care, maternity care is given through appointment of doctors and midnurse. All areas of health sector are focused and their infrastructure is developed. This review analyses the complete infrastructure development in the health sector in Assam up to date so that the rural areas of the state also gains more facilities to treat their illness.
Keywords: Health Sector, Assam, Infrastructure, Welfare schemes, development