Abstract: To accommodate important utilities such as power, telephone, computer network, and air conditioning, modern construction structures require numerous pipes and ducts. This will produce extra void space or waste space thus, a substitute arrangement must be devised to transmit these pipes and ducts via a transverse passage of the beam, and the cost of the construction of structures can be decreased. Hence, strengthening a beam with an opening should be done. These are two types of strengthening of beams: The pre-planned opening is done by steel reinforcement should be provided with proper design. When a post-planned opening occurs the beam should be reinforced with different FRP such as CFRP, GFRP, AFRP, and other materials. The different investigation has been done for reinforced structural member beams with openings. The main aim of this paper is to tell about the performance of the beam opening, analyze using the software, and design of concrete beam opening. Furthermore, various classifications of opening, different opening site suggestions, and the performance of Reinforced concrete beams with openings will be highlighted and explored. The article will also detail and explain many design methodologies, such as the ACI methodology, the AIJ approaches, and the strut and tie method. There are different types of strengthening techniques of the beam such as Fibre Reinforced Polymer and steel plates are investigated for strengthening RC beams with openings. Finally discussed the research gaps in the current study, future work should be done.
Keywords: Reinforced concrete beam with different shape opening, different FRPs like CFRP, GFRP, BFRP, strengthening of beams, ultimate load capacity, failure crack pattern, finite element approach, ANSYS, load versus deflection graphs, analysis of RC beams.