ABSTRACT: Job satisfaction probably is the most widely studied variable in organisational behaviour. Though the study of job satisfaction is common in many organisations, it has become a serious problem in the management of educational institutions. Teachers are the pillars of our nation. A teacher who is satisfied with their job will be in a position to fulfil the educational objectives and national goals. A dissatisfied teacher is not only a loss to their self but also to the entire institution. They cannot perform their duties well. The present study was an attempt to analyse or assess the level of job satisfaction and institutional commitment of Government, Aided and Unaided high school teachers in Irinjalakuda municipality. A sample of 60 respondents was selected (20 from Government, Aided and Unaided schools) using non-probability sampling technique. Questionnaire is used to collect primary data. The major objectives were to examine the level of job satisfaction and institutional commitment of teachers, to identify the factors influencing job satisfaction and to test the association between type of management, monthly income and subject taught with job satisfaction. The collected data was analysed using Percentage Analysis, Weighted Average Score Ranking, Likert Scale and Chi- Square Test.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction-Institutional commitment