Abstract: A tribe is a social group with territorial affiliation, endogamous, with no specialization of function ruled by tribal, hereditary or otherwise, united in language or dialect, recognising social distance with other tribes, caste, without any social obloquy attaching to them as it does in the caste structure following tribal traditions, belief and customs illiberal, A tribe is a group of people, usually staying in jungle areas, in a small locality, absolutely illiterate poor, hardly clad in clothes, usually dark and frail, fully living within their own community whose marriage always takes place among themselves, engaged in hunting and searching for roots, shoots and fruits as their veg food and roasted animals as non-veg food, completely oblivious of the country‘s political and economic condition,
Women are the part of our society. They are equal like a man, under Saoura tribe women are depend on man, they are restricted some of religious decision. They play a role for help to man for farming. Cultivation, other activity like Goat rearing, collective of Forts production, like seali leaf, Honey , etc, Most of farming production like Raghi, paddy, ginger , Turmeric, Lakha, wild honey are the main shores of livelihood.
Keywords: women are the play main role decision making