Abstract: Jasmine flower is used for various purposes viz. making garlands, bouquets, religious offerings etc. Scientific cultivation of jasmine is one of the important prerequisites for increasing the production and productivity among the jasmine growers. Since the crop requires huge manpower for harvesting and other operations, only small farmers are cultivating the crop. Constraint studies are important to assess the actual impact of agricultural research, to set research properties and to provide direction to the extension efforts. Hence, the present study was undertaken with the objective to study the Constraint faced by the jasmine growers in Nilakottai block of Dindigul district with a sample size of thirty. The respondents were selected based on proportionate random sampling method. The data were collected from each respondent through pre-tested interview schedule. The results of the study revealed that Lack of knowledge about planting of jasmine (20.00%), nursery management(56.60%), High commission charges (73.30%), Lack of infrastructure (100%), Fluctuation in price of jasmine (100%), problem in transportation, low frequency of transportation (36.60% ). Exorbitant higher charges (100%), lack of value added company for jasmine such as perfume industry (100%).
Keywords : constraints, jasmine growers