Abstract: This research examined the hazards and difficulties faced by exporters and carriers involved in the international shipment of dangerous goods. It explored the intricacies of navigating regulations specific to each country, the demanding requirements for packaging and handling these materials, and the potential for accidents during transport. The study assessed the impact on both exporters, who are responsible for ensuring safe delivery, and carriers, who must adhere to stringent protocols. The study investigated the potential risks of incidents during transportation, considering the safety concerns for both parties. By analyzing these challenges, the research aimed to contribute to improvements in safety protocols and efficiency within the hazardous materials export process. By analyzing these challenges, the research aimed to contribute to the development of improved safety measures and more efficient processes for the export of hazardous materials.

IndexTerms: Dangerous Goods, Hazardous Goods, Risks involved in DG, Logistics and DG

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11654

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