Abstract: There are many causes of deterioration in reinforced concrete structures, but corrosion is the main culprit. Reinforced concrete is the most used material in construction. Concrete structures as infrastructures are prone to losing performance over time as a result of the environmental conditions to which they are subjected. Steel embedded in concrete is normally subjected to an alkaline environment which subsequently passivates the steel. Any condition which disrupts the environment around the steel can result in disruption of the passive film and initiate corrosion process. The phenomenon of corrosion of reinforcement bar in concrete is a time dependant process, it takes years for the steel reinforcement to be corroded and to cause deterioration of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Salt injury to reinforced concrete (RC) structures, freezing and thawing damage in cold climate zones, carbonation owing to carbon dioxide, chemical attack by acid solution, and so on are all examples of deterioration phenomena. One of the main global issues with steel reinforced concrete constructions deteriorating is chloride-induced steel corrosion. Key structural elements including beams, slabs, and the supporting columns are susceptible to corrosion attack, particularly when de-icing salts are used in cold temperature locations. However, If the corrosion time is too lengthy, the reinforced concrete structure components will be corroded for a long period, reducing the dependability of the reinforced concrete structure's function and perhaps causing safety issues. when it becomes imperative to evaluate the relative performance of different types of steel and binder in a short time, the accelerated corrosion test can be adopted. Corrosion was developed by artificially using an impressed voltage approach according to the ASTM B117-which had low connection with air corrosion testing. Reinforcing bar bonding in concrete is critical for reinforcing bar anchorage and reinforced concrete crack prevention. on the other hand, produce different test findings. Impressed current can cause non-uniform, growth of localised corrosion on steel reinforcement. the corrosion parameters are mild to severe in steel specimen used. The result is further supplemented by the observations made in IVT curves. Observable damage is indicative of decreased durability of concrete and ductility of steel.
Keywords: Reinforced Concrete Structures, Corrosion, Voltage Impressed Test, Chloride.