Abstract: Intermediate proxy re-encryption gives a good answer for encoded information taking part in a public cloud. At the point when information proprietor Eve will impart her encoded information to information customer Tom, Eve produces a re-encryption key and transfers it to the cloud (intermediary). An intermediary uses it to convert Eve's cipher texts into Tom's without learning anything about the underlying plain texts. In spite of that current PRE plans can keep the intermediary from recovering Eve's mystery key by agreement assaults with Tom, because of the innate usefulness of PRE, it is unavoidable that the intermediary and Tom together are skilled to acquire and disperse Eve’s unscrambling abilities. Much more terrible, the malignant intermediary can reject that it has released the unscrambling capacities and has almost no gamble of getting found out. To handle this issue, we present the idea of Accountable Proxy Re-Encryption (APRE), by which on the off chance that the intermediary is denounced to mishandle the re-encryption key for disseminating Eve's unscrambling capacity, an adjudicator calculation can conclude regardless of whether it is guiltless. Having presented a non-intuitive APRE plot, we are now able to demonstrate the security and responsibility of the CPA under the DBDH supposition. Lastly, we describe the ways it can be made into a CCA secure version.
Keywords: Proxy re-encryption, cryptography, information security