Abstract: In the election system policy referendum the system of voting or constituent framework is the mechanism used to make the choice among different choices accessible for voting. The existing election system uses a EVM electronic device to vote, where the person need to go to a particular voting station and vote where the ID exists. Also, the current election system does not allow the individual to cast his vote from anyplace due to the individual commitment during election time which causes the inconvenience and also sometimes they may not be able to vote at all. Another drawback of existing mechanism is that there is inadequate information in terms of displaying and the other modes. Due to this, there is a possibility of malpractice in voting. Consequently, it is important to develop a mechanism through which even when the person is out of station can also able to cast his/her vote wherever they are for the chosen constituency. Because of this explanation, this paper manages with the idea of an i.e., “Advanced Digital Voting System’’ using Microcontroller and cloud technology. This approach utilized in the development help us to achieve increase in percentage of voting than normal.
Keywords: EVM, Arduino, IOT, WIFI Module