Abstract: Energy is just the capacity to perform tasks. For the modern human population, power has become a source of assistance. Its demand is growing quickly. For its many operations, daily living innovation requires a significant amount of electrical power. The main source of pollution in the world is power generation. As a result, a lot of energy resources are created and squandered. Generally speaking, resources like water, wind, coal, etc. are used to create electricity.
High maintenance and expense are required for the building of large facilities in order to generate power from these resources. In a similar vein, the current work aims to provide a method for producing electrical power from which a continuously rising human population does not adversely influence natural resources. This invention is based on a principle known as the piezoelectric effect, according to which some materials can generate an electrical charge when they are subjected to weight or other strain.
The ability of some materials to produce an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress is known as the piezoelectric effect. It is the process through which strain, pressure, or mechanical vibrations are given to piezoelectric material are transformed into electrical form. Piezoelectricity refers to a few materials' abilities to create an electric potential when subjected to a linked weight. The implanted piezoelectric material can produce the illusion of changing weight when people are moved into an electric current that is stored in a battery and then disseminated via RFID cards.
Keywords: power generation, piezoelectricity, RFID, battery