Abstract: Airborne fungal spores are known causing infections of human and animals and also play crucial role in biodeterioration and biodegradation of wastes of plant and animal origin. In the present study the Aeromycological survey has been conducted to record prevalence of diverse group of micro-fungal airspora from various sites of Industrial Area, Wadi, Nagpur in the post-winter season. The Petri-plate method based on gravity was used for sampling. Out of the total 1231 fungal colonies falls under 18 genera and 27 species have been recorded on nutrient agar jelly. Initial week of March 2021 was observed the peak period of fungal spore concentration. Deuteromycota contributed 48.4 percent aeromycoflora exhibiting nearly half of the total contribution of the viable fungal spores in the survey area from this group alone. Ascomycota contributed 46.1 percent while Zygomycota had least count of colonies. Members of Basidiomycota did not appear. Alternaria was reported dominant in terms of count of colonies and number of species. Aspergillus and Fusarium confined with 3 species each while Penicillium and Curvularia had 2 species each. Remaining genera, Phytophthora, Pythium, Mucor, Chaetomium, Diplodia, Phomopsis, Phoma, Cladosporium, Drechslera, Trichoderma, and Trichothecium were encountered with individual species. The distribution of viable fungal spores in air in variable concentration in post-winter season may attributed to fluctuating weather and relative humidity which supports fungal flora growth of same group of organisms and act inhibitory for others.
Keywords: Fungal isolates, Biodeterioration, Biodegradation, Aeromycoflora.