Abstract: Recently, the problem of air pollution is emerging due to increasing demand of fossil fuel, vehicle and factory. Especially, one of the biggest problems is increase of a fine dust. Since fine dust is very fine particles of 10μm or less and it is difficult to remove, because it cannot be seen with naked eye. To sort out this problem air purifier technology receives attention because of the Fine dust problem. The air cleaning systems are widely used at Indoor. However, the problem of air pollution is generated at Highway and factory. Therefore, it is necessary to study the air Purification system to be applied to factories and highways. This paper describes design and hardware implementation of air purifier for fine dust system. Hybrid power source and batteries are utilized to develop a air purifier machine. The air pollution these days is a serious environmental concern and it is not just a exclusive fact but a drastic reality which is creating problems for the mankind such as some serious health issues. In some parts of the world the air quality index have reached to an watertight level which demands for a solution now. Hence, the purpose of this report is to tackle this problem at a large scale by providing with “air purification using renewable hybrid energy (wind energy + solar energy)” for purify the air of outdoors. This is an artificially intelligent mobile air purifier for “outdoors”. This ability of providing with such a smart-sensing, self-driving machine is the advantage of the report because other air purifiers exist but they are made for indoors, they do not have mobility and also do not possess AI capabilities. This purification system is based on the YOLO algorithm.
Keywords: Renewable Hybrid Energy, Wind Energy, Solar Energy, YOLO Algorithm.