Abstract: An ambulance is a vehicle equipped with medical devices to guarantee shifting of patients to healthcare institutions such as specialized hospitals and general hospitals. They are designed to allow paramedics access them promptly to provide required treatment and emergency care while transporting patients. In a life-threatening emergency, it is necessary for paramedics to act quickly and carry patients promptly even if there is traffic. Several solutions have been developed to improve the responsiveness of ambulances to reach patients and hospitals faster. However, these solutions are not considering the emergency-route selected by ambulances resulting in delays in responsiveness. In this paper, we propose an application that helps accident injured victims to reach the hospitals with the help of auto/cab drivers and the general public. The application highlights emergency-routes, enabling the driver to reach the health center in shortest time. The application is developed using Android Studio as an IDE. XML is used for the design part of the application and java is used for the functionality part of the application. The data is stored in the Firebase database.
Keywords: Accident victims, System Architecture, General Public.