Abstract: COVID-19 infection has a broad spectrum of severity ranging from an asymptomatic form to a severe acute respiratory syndrome that requires mechanical ventilation. The virus was first identified and reported from Wuhan city. The SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious, spread globally in a short period of time, and was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to laws and policies that include national school closures, lockdown or shelter-in-place laws, and social-distancing recommendations that may translate to higher overall screen time among children and adolescents for the duration of the enforcement of these laws and policies. High levels of screen time in early childhood also appear to negatively impact academic and social outcomes in the long-term. Excessive screen time has proven to be an unhealthy habit that begins to develop in early childhood. Student self-esteem may be affected by extensive screen time. Self-esteem reflects the attitude towards the self and may contribute to mental health and social well-being. So that’s why current study is done to find out the effect of screen time and physical activity. The current study is an exploratory survey, in which we ask from the participants by the help of self-made questionnaire to find about the issue mentioned in the current study. Data is collected through google forms which is send to participants by the help of social media e.g., WhatsApp, Facebook and E-mail. Data is analysed by the use of one sample proportion test. The result shows that the Null hypothesis is accepted. Hence we concluded that there is no effect of screen time on cognition in physiotherapy students.
Keywords: covid, physiotherapy, physical activity, cognition, screen time, online studies.