Abstract: This paper examines the quality of ground water along river Ginzo in Urban Katsina, Katsina State. The area falls within the urban slums with open sewage drains and refuse disposals subjecting it to a high health risk. This triggers the need to assess their major sources of domestic waters which are shallow wells. Groundwater samples were collected from wells systematically sampled across the study are. These were leveled as well A – J. Laboratory tests were conducted on Physiochemical and Bacteriological parameters to ascertain the presence of contaminations or otherwise. All the results obtained were compared with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) standards of safe drinking water for logical conclusions. Results shows that turbidity of the water in the study area ranges from a minimum of 0.410 in well F to a maximum of 7.79 in well H. This implies that the Turbidity level can be safely consumed. Only well H is not permissible. pH shows a minimum of 6.57 in well J and a maximum of 7.18 in well F. This reveals that the pH of the water samples from well A to well J are all within the range of the WHO standard of 6.5 to 9.2. TDS shows results all below 1500 of the WHO and is thereby safe for consumption. Total hardness in the water sample also has a maximum of only 1294 across the study area, so is consumable regarding the standard of WHO (1500). The results of total Coliform obtained shows that the water sample from wells B, D, F, G, and J fall below the WHO permissible limit of 5, whereas wells C, E and H have values of 5, 8 and 13 respectively which is above the WHO permissible limit of 5 which indicate presence of excess coliform. The study concludes that the physiochemical parameters studied are within the permissible limits set for safe drinking water except for few locations. Yet there is excess amount of total coliform presence in the water. This is attributed to uncontrolled domestic sewage discharge and indiscriminate solid waste disposal which is so conspicuous in the area. The study recommends Public enlightenment campaigns against illegal and unplanned constructions of houses in the area. Public water supplies in form of standardized boreholes should be provided by the community with the intervention of the government to substitute the shallow wells.
Key Words: River Ginzo, Groundwater, Katsina, Water quality