Abstract: This project is entitled as “AN INTELLIGENT PRISON ESCAPE DETECTION SYSTEM USING IOT AND RF TECHNOLOGY” and is an IOT-based application. The fact that such a number of inmates may still be roaming among us is itself scary. Well, so here we propose a prisoner tracking system that helps detect prison breaks and instantly alert authorities using IOT. The system makes use of a microcontroller-based circuit to achieve the task using RF technology. We make use of RF trackers on each inmate to detect their presence on the premises. The second central monitoring units are used to scan through all inmates as per data fed to it and constantly keep track of each prisoner. Each prisoner is mounted with an RF tracker transmitting a unique prisoner code wirelessly. Whenever a prisoner exits the facility, the centralized system is unable to receive his/her code. At that time the receiver circuitry instructs the controller to take action against the particular prisoner. The System now transmits the prisoner's details over to the officers alerting portal to send out an instant alert and catch the prisoner before he runs even 50 meters away from the facility. Here we use IOT Gecko to develop the online alerting portal system to receive input from monitoring devices and display alerts and sound alarms through the internet.
Keywords: RF Technology, Alerting system and IOT.