Abstract: In a major step to develop the multi sports infrastructure in our institute, we have proposed to design a INDOOR STADIUM at S.G.Balekundri Institute of Technology Belagavi. The principle objective of this project is to provide a design of indoor stadium for our institute. The design methods used in STAAD.Pro analysis are Limit State Design conforming to Indian Standard Code of Practice. From model generation, analysis and design to visualization and result verification, STAAD.Pro is the professional’s choice. This indoor stadium has a playing court that meets the standards for district level sports events. The total area of stadium is 1577m2. In the total area we have innovated 32m x 46.78 m area as column free, so it gives an unobstructed view of the play court from anywhere in the stadium. All the designs are based as per IS 456-2000 and IS 875 Part I, II & III. The wind load values were generated by STAAD.Pro considering the given wind intensities at different heights and strictly abiding by the specifications of IS 875 part III. Limit state method is adopted for designing various components of the stadium. The stadium consists of free court were indoor games namely basketball, volley ball, badminton and table tennis can be played. All the facilities like refreshment rooms, storage room etc. is also provided in the stadium.

Keywords: Indoor Stadium, Analysis, design, STAAD Pro, RCDC

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2025.12135

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